Sunday, March 16, 2014

Comparing Elysium to District 9

Spoilers abound here for Blomkamp's two sci-fi action flicks.

I'm not planning here to compare the quality of the two movies, just highlight their plot similarities.

Both movies feature a disadvantaged group living in slums, a state that seems to be attributed to the avarice of corporations. Both feature a protagonist that has some health emergency that they have only days to resolve.  In both movies, the ailing protagonist is attempting to get to a space station in the sky that contains healing machines that can cure his ailment.  He must in the mean time hide from evil mercenaries because he has something in his body that the bad guys desperately want to exploit.  He must at some point escape from a torture table/chair because of this.  He will hide from the bad guys' surveillance in the slums for a while.  He will at some point be battling the bad guys using a powerful exo-suit, a reluctant hero turned Rambo.  He will have acquired the exo-suit from some crime lord in the slums.  He will at first be very selfishly motivated to only care about his ailment, but in time he will come around to deny himself access to that healing machine in the sky in a selfless act which will right some social injustice, since "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

A lot of similarities, I think.

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